Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And Another Thing....

I know you've probably already had it up to here with Samuel Alito, but this is important. If MoveOn can get half a million signatures to their petition opposing his nomination by tomorrow, they will run an ad in Roll Call, the Congressional newspaper, advising the Senators of the total number of signatures. They need about 5,000 more signatures from Illinois.

Yes, they will ask you to also make a donation, but you don't have to do it. Follow this link to sign the petition and to send a message to your Senator regarding the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court: Petition.

The 24-hour deadline is important because the "Gang of 14" -a group of centrist Senators from both parties- is meeting tomorrow to discuss their commitment to keeping a filibuster off the table -or, more properly, I suppose, off the floor. We need to let them know that the electorate is fully engaged in the Confirmation process and that Samuel Alito would not be our choice.

Okay, he wouldn't be MY choice!

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