Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tailpipe Tally

This interactive site, Tailpipe Tally, will tell you the sad truth: how much your car probably costs you in fuel each year and how much pollution it dumps into the atmosphere. And the bad news is that they WAY under-estimated the price of gas. Our results were discouraging -and we don't drive all that much, certainly not every day. And yet, we still dump untold hundreds of pounds of pollutants into the air with our vehicle.

Realistically, until this car dies the thing to do is drive less and bike and walk more. As we head into winter in the frozen tundra, that becomes a less attractive option. But I'll try. Really. This is gross.

In other interesting bicycle and environmental news, GreenThinkers reports that, according to the Chamber of Commerce, more bicycles than cars were sold in the U.S. over the last 12 months. Go here to read the story -and ride your bike.

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