Thursday, March 23, 2006

Debate on the Occupation of Iraq

I apologize to the country and the world for my U.S. Representative, Dennis Hastert. I didn't vote for him, if that's any help. And yes, he's at it again.

A few members of Congress want to hold an open debate on the subject of the occupation of Iraq, but the Republican leadership (i.e. Hastert) refuses to allow it. So, a bipartisan group is pursuing a legislative maneuver called a "discharge petition", which would force Hastert's hand. If more than half of the Representatives sign on, then Hastert would be required to allow 17 hours of debate, allocated equally to each side of the aisle.

After 3 years and 2300 dead soldiers, don't you think it's time we talked about this? The thing is, there's not much I can do. Writing my Representative is pointless. I'll do it, but it's pointless; he's the source of the trouble. However, if your Representative is anyone else, that person's participation is vital. Click here for an easy way to write your Representative: Act for Change.

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