Thursday, March 16, 2006

Because THIS Makes Sense!

That was sarcasm there in the title, in case you were wondering. Settle in for a bit, because I'm steamed.

The Missouri House of Representatives voted yesterday to ban contraceptive funding for low-income women. But that's not enough. Under this proposed legislation, state-funded programs can't even make referrals for those women to other programs. Yeah. And starting 9 months from now, we're going to start to see the consequences of this short-sighted thinking, and the rhetoric about "those welfare queens just having more and more babies" will begin again.

Sponsoring Representative Susan Phillips says that she has the support of both the Missouri Right to Life group and the Missouri Catholic Conference. Of course the argument that restricting access to contraception only increases abortions doesn't matter, because Missouri is one of 11 states considering joining South Dakota in a ban of all abortions.

Yes, it's only the House so far; I have no guess as to what the Senate will do. And I don't know that the governor will sign the bill, and I don't even know if the courts will uphold it should all those things happen. But still. Where's Planned Parenthood? Where are thinking, caring people who want children to be born into loving families that want them, for the love of all things decent?

And I have a bad feeling that a similar bit of theater is coming soon to a venue near each of us.

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