Friday, April 02, 2010

The Training Report

I can safely say that this exercise (at formerly familiar levels, but new if you look more recently)has been fun. I'm still not getting everything done that I want to get done. Why am I skipping yoga so frequently? I love yoga. But probably I will meet my maker saying, "Wait.... I'm not finished....", so I'm trying to find my peace with that state of affairs.

In the last seven days, I have done the following:

rock climbing: 1
strength training: 3 (since I've started biking outside, I've had to drop my weights. My legs are TIRED.)
swimming -1/2 mile
biking: 3 hours
and on my rest day, I took a walk
yoga: 3

Compared to the baseline, it's good. Nonetheless, it's discouraging to think how far I have to go, yet.

The coming week's plan is:

Friday: strength training and cycling (in or out, depends on what time of day I can get to it.)
Saturday: outdoor cycling (cross your fingers) and yoga
Sunday: no climbing -kids unavailable :(, so.... yoga and cycling
Monday: 1/2 hour bike ride in the early a.m.; strength
Tuesday: swimming, , 1/2 hour bike ride in the early a.m., yoga
Wednesday:1/2 hour bike ride in the early a.m.; strength
Thursday: swimming, 1/2 hour bike ride in the early a.m., yoga
Friday:1/2 hour bike ride in the early a.m.;strength

Please, please, go Here to make a donation to the Chicago AIDS Ride. I'm all in. I hope you are, too!

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